Site List
Site List contains all sites in your instance of vx Maintain. Take actions on your sites, like creating a new site, making sites inactive, and importing site data.
Make a site inactive
In the top menu, click Sites.
Enter the name of the site to deactivate in the text field at the top of the Site name column.
Click Search.
Select Inactive from the Status menu.
Click Save .
After this site is made inactive, the Site List no longer shows the site when the default black bar filter of Active is applied. Change the filter to Inactive sites to view inactive sites.
Import site data
The site Import data tool lets you update your sites in bulk in the application itself, as opposed to using an API.
Import the following data on the Site List page:
Site data: Site information listed on the page.
Site department information: Allows you to define which departments are available for a site directly at the site level.
Site energy attributes: Energy and power consumption recorded against sites.
Site hours of operation: Operating or occupied hours for sites.
Skylight: Skylights available for sites.
Lighting load: Lighting configurations associated with sites.
Site attributes: User-defined attributes for sites; importer lets you define whether these attributes are present at a site.
Call escalation: Contact list in set order for sites.
Space availability: Allows you to dictate the availability of spaces within sites.